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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, April 22, 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes


NSIN alumni companies and partners from industry, academia, and government continue to develop innovations to ensure the DoD's energy independence, promote efficiency, and combat future emissions.

On Earth Day, NSIN highlighted some of the recent climate-friendly solutions developed by NSIN alumni and partners.


MAY 31, 2024
Innovators with the ability to create expeditionary power capabilities for a mobile space domain awareness platform may submit their solutions to win part of $75,000 during NSIN’s Expeditionary Energy Challenge, presented in partnership with the 15th Space Surveillance Squadron (15 SPSS).


MAY 10, 2024
Pre-series A ventures interested in the government market are invited to apply for the 2024 NSIN Vector program. Companies selected for Vector will work with experts from NSIN and the military to develop dual-use technologies and compete for non-dilutive funding awards. The 2024 Vector program seeks technologies to address advanced sensing, data sharing, command and control, resilient position, navigation, and timing, and contested communications. Vector applications are due May 10.

MAY 23, 2024
As part of the inaugural trilateral prize challenge through AUKUS Pillar II — a defense and security partnership between Australia, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (U.S.) — DIU launched the AUKUS Electronic Warfare Challenge to support the DoD as it develops a strategic edge against adversarial electromagnetic system (EMS) technologies.

MAY 23, 2024
Innovators with solutions for multi-domain range scheduling and management that could provide the DoD with a range common operating picture (COP) may submit their solutions for the opportunity to receive part of a $75,000 prize pool during the Multi-Domain Range Scheduling Challenge. The challenge is being held in partnership with the Air Force 56th Range Management Office (RMO) and the U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE).

JULY 1, 2024
Apply for the next Foundry cohort and collaborate with federal laboratories to commercialize breakthrough defense technologies and build new companies. Selected innovators will participate in a virtual, five-month cohort where they will have access to instruction, DoD inventors and end-users, mentorship from DoD and private sector subject-matter experts, and training that will prepare them to do business with the DoD and private sector. Applications for Foundry are due July 1. An Ask Me Anything will be held on April 30.


Thirteen cutting-edge companies from top research universities demonstrated university intellectual property they commercialized for dual-use, civilian, and military markets at the Emerge final showcase day held at the Defense Innovation OnRamp Hub: Arizona. At the event, the companies pitched to an in-person audience of experts, investors, and business leaders in Phoenix and to audiences watching the event at Hub locations across the nation.

Government, Industry, Academia Collaborate on Critical Resource Challenges
Academic, industry, and government partners gathered to review successful actions on critical resources over the previous year, discuss new relevant challenges, and identify opportunities to move from analysis to action together during the second annual Critical Resource Summit in Washington, D.C. The event had representation from some of the nation’s top universities, multiple federal and state government agencies, venture capital firms, businesses ranging from small businesses to defense primes, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

Engineers from the Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) met with defense partners, members of the tech industry and academia at the inaugural Shipboard Robotics Technical Exchange Meeting in March, an event hosted by Liberty Tech Bridge - powered by NavalX. NSIN joined partners from multiple DoD organizations and industry to develop and align efforts to provide technology to Sailors and Marines.


NSIN alum Little Place Labs, whose edge computing software provides near-real-time data pre-processing, space domain awareness, and satellite health monitoring for disaster management, defense, and more, has won a $1.8 million Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) contract from AFWERX. The company will provide the Air Force with space-based intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) and in-orbit machine learning (ML) computing.

NSIN alum EpiSci is collaborating with Northrop Grumman Corporation to further develop advancements for tactical solutions for the United States and its allies through aeronautics system architecture, which will support the need to accelerate delivery of advanced autonomous solutions.


MAY 7-8, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) experts and enthusiasts will learn about the latest emerging AI technologies at the Special Competitive Studies Project AI Expo for National Competitiveness in Washington, D.C. You can connect with Team NSIN at booth 140 at the event.

MAY 7-8, 2024
Join innovation leaders from the government, private sector, and scientific community to exchange ideas and examine how public and private entities can come together in pursuit of innovation for national security. The event is held in honor of the legacy of the 25th Secretary of Defense Dr. Ash Carter.


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to find funding from across the defense innovation space. 

MAY 1, 2024

Innovators with platform-agnostic solutions that could support a smooth patient experience; ensure collection of patient interactions and data in the MHS Information Portal (MIP); enable enterprise-managed multipurpose mobile devices, provider applications, digital assistants, and wearables; and anticipate advances to health sciences may submit their solutions for the opportunity to receive funding from DIU.

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NSIN is a program office in the U.S. Department of Defense, nested within the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). We are set up to collaborate with a wide variety of innovators to include universities, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and start-ups. We create opportunities for collaboration across communities and connect those that might not traditionally work in national security. Together, we help drive national security innovation and develop technologies that directly support the individuals responsible for protecting our country.  
National Security Innovation Network | 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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