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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, Aug. 7, 2023
Reading time: 3.5 minutes


A team of NSIN X-Force Fellows worked with the Logistics Directorate (J4) of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to create logistics capabilities for moving and sustaining the Joint Force in contested environments.The students began working to identify a mix of sealift, airlift, and ground distribution capabilities necessary to move and sustain the Joint Force, while delivering J4 data and models for the comparison of logistics distribution requirements and capabilities.


AUG. 8, 2023 
Early-stage ventures interested in the defense sector are invited to apply for NSIN Propel Boston. Selected companies will partner with experts from NSIN, the military, and private industry during the cohort and will work to transition their emerging technology solutions to address the modernization needs of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community and its partners. Applications for the cohort are due Aug. 8.


NSIN alumni Marco-Eyes has rebranded to become Pendulum. The company provides  artificial intelligence (AI) supply chain management solutions that enable the government and industry to better manage their inventory by predicting demand and geolocating supply.


NSIN Capstone teams won first and second place at the Georgia Tech (GT) Capstone Expo for their solutions to improve F-15 technology for the Air Force F-15 Systems Program Office (SPO). The first place team redesigned an anti-skid inspection system that minimizes personnel requirements, reduces inspection time and cost, and improves accuracy, while the second place team devised a power supply capable of withstanding flight that allows incandescent bulbs on F-15s to be replaced by LEDs, which have 100 times the operational duration.


AUG. 17, 2023 
Registration is now open for the 2023 NSIN Defense Entrepreneurial Symposium. Attendees will learn how NSIN’s programs and services enable businesses to collaborate with the DoD, find business opportunities, and accelerate their growth. In addition, participants will gain insight into the DoD’s strategic imperatives for the defense ecosystem and make meaningful and enduring professional connections with industry and military leaders.

AUG. 25, 2023 
Pre-Series A ventures interested in the government market are invited to apply for the 2023 NSIN Vector program. Companies selected for Vector will work with experts from NSIN and the military to develop dual-use technologies and compete for non-dilutive funding. The program is open to ventures from Hawaii, Washington, Kansas, Ohio, and Arizona—where NSIN will place future Mission Acceleration Centers. Vector applications are due Aug. 25.


AUG. 8 - SEPT. 14, 2023

Startups and enterprise organizations are invited to join MassChallenge for a series of virtual collider events that feature keynote addresses, pitches, and networking. 

AUG. 25, 2023

Students are invited to explore DoD technology careers and hear from Dr. Jay Wilhelm, an Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Ohio University with more than 15 years of research experience in intelligent systems, sensor testing, integration, UAV propulsion, and UAV control experience. 

SEPT. 21, 2023

Join global leaders from government and private industry to discuss the future of geopolitics, democracy, technology, and warfare through the lens of emerging technologies. 

SEPT. 26, 2023

Take part in conversations about maximizing professional opportunities and working to deliver a decisive competitive advantage to the warfighter at the 2023 Women In Defense National Conference.


Small businesses may join the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) for the Hyperspace Challenge where they will work on challenges faced by the space industry and have an opportunity to build relationships with potential DoD customers.


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to identify more funding across the defense innovation space.
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NSIN is a program office in the U.S. Department of Defense, nested within the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). We are set up to collaborate with a wide variety of innovators to include universities, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and start-ups. We create opportunities for collaboration across communities and connect those that might not traditionally work in national security. Together, we help drive national security innovation and develop technologies that directly support the individuals responsible for protecting our country.  
National Security Innovation Network | 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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