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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, July 10, 2023
Reading time: 2.5 minutes


AUG. 4, 2023 
Companies with extended range sensor system innovations that could enhance environmental awareness and joint force maneuverability for the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force (1MDTF) are invited to submit solutions to the NSIN Presents: Extended Range Sensor Challenge for the chance to receive part of $75,000.


NSIN has selected the next cohort of early-stage ventures for the 2023 NSIN Propel New York Accelerator in partnership with the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Information Directorate. The ten-startup cohort will focus on technologies for resilient basing, moving target engagement, and operationally focused Advanced Battle Management System (ABMS).


Congratulations to the five NSIN alumni companies on the Silicon Valley Group’s 2023 NatSec100 list. Collectively raising over $42 billion to date, the companies highlighted on the list include the top venture-funded defense and dual-use startups in national security innovation based on the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E))'s Critical Technology Areas. The included alumni are Shield AI, Capella Space, Spark Cognition, Epirus, and Slingshot Aerospace.

Velontra, the maker of economical hypersonic unmanned vehicles that enable the DoD and private industry to do more with their budgets, won $2 million in contracts for their Bronco system. The system is a compact, ready-made hypersonic engine, which addresses hypersonic propulsion needs for smaller aircraft. In the coming months, Velonttra hopes to bring the system to market at a cost below $200,000 per unit.

AnalyticalAI enhances security for the DoD and private industry with artificial intelligence (AI) solutions to improve the detection of prohibited items during security screenings. The team has won a $1.25 million Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant from AFWERX to develop an AI-enabled perimeter security system for the Air Force. provides the DoD and private sector with greater efficiency in decision making through its AI-powered, organization-specific search engine. The venture won a contract with Johnsonville to provide its employees with the AI-powered search system, giving them on-demand, subject matter expertise informed by information from the company’s internal databases, allowing human subject matter experts to spend less time answering questions and more time working on their own projects.


JULY 11-13, 2023
Public safety officials interested in learning more about how they can leverage the Team Awareness Kit (TAK), a DoD-developed, off-the-shelf solution for generating tactical awareness, are invited to join NSIN, the Air Force Research Laboratory, the TAK Product Center (TPC) and private industry sponsors for an in-person public safety hackathon event.

AUG. 1, 2023
Early-stage ventures interested in the defense sector are invited to apply for NSIN Propel Boston. Selected companies will partner with experts from NSIN, the military, and private industry during the cohort and will work to transition their emerging technology solutions to address the modernization needs of the Special Operations Forces (SOF) community and its partners. Applications for the cohort are due Aug. 1.

AUG. 17, 2023
Join Team NSIN on Thursday, Aug. 17, for the Defense Entrepreneurial Symposium to learn more about our programs and services, which enable businesses to collaborate with the DoD, find business opportunities, and accelerate their ventures. Participants will gain insight into the DoD’s strategic imperatives for the defense ecosystem and make meaningful and enduring professional connections and partnerships with industry and military leaders.


JULY 13, 2023

Join professionals from across the air and space industry for Upstate Capital’s The Future of Air & Space event highlighting innovations in air and space in Upstate New York. This event  focuses on expanding opportunities for entrepreneurs to work with the DoD and convenes representatives from established companies and investors together with small businesses and startups. NSIN Managing Director Cheryl Ingstad will deliver the welcome keynote address.


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to identify more funding across the defense innovation space.

AUG. 15, 2023

Innovators with technologies that have the potential to improve Naval operations, logistics, or decision making may receive SBIR/STTR grants from the Navy. Submissions are due Aug. 15. 

AUG. 25, 2023

Startups with technologies supporting energy resilience, secure information sharing, and sensing and surveillance may submit their solutions to the North American Treaty Organization (NATO) Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic (DIANA) for the opportunity to receive €100,000 in the first round of competition. Selected startups will have the opportunity to move on to phase two and compete for up to €300,000 each in additional funding. Submissions are due Aug. 25.

OCT. 5, 2023

Innovators from industry and academia may submit digital tools that would enable informed, coordinated military movement planning and execution may submit their solutions to NATO for the chance to win part of an $8,500 prize purse. Submissions are due Oct. 5.

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The National Security Innovation Network is a program of the U.S. Department of Defense that collaborates with major universities and the venture community to develop solutions that drive national security innovation. We operate two portfolios of programs and services: Talent and Venture. Together, these portfolios form a pipeline of activities and solutions that accelerate the pace of defense innovation.   
National Security Innovation Network | 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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