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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, Feb. 26, 2024
Reading time: 3 minutes


In NSIN’s latest Investor Spotlight, John Adams, Portfolio Integration (Platform) Lead at Lockheed Martin Ventures, spoke about how Lockeed Martin's defense expertise has informed their group’s investment strategy. John also touched on how the defense and dual-use sectors benefit from diversity and how they can achieve greater diversity in the workforce. 


Companies, entrepreneurs, researchers, and students discovered how they can impact national security, and how to access government programming and funding at the launch of the newest Defense Innovation OnRamp Hub in Phoenix, Arizona. At the event, the Hub announced an upcoming challenge, the Multi Domain Range Scheduling Challenge, to provide the DoD with a range planning resource optimization tool and viewer that provides a range common operating picture (COP).  

Companies from India and the U.S. learned how to navigate the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR) regulatory regime and the Make in India Policy during the second session of the INDUS-X Gurukul Education Series - Navigating ITAR and Make in India. Speakers included Mike Vaccaro, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State at the Department of State, Sho Morimoto, Chief of Sea, Land, and Air Systems Division at the Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls, Dave Lopez, Regional Policy Advisor at the Defense Technology Security Administration (DTSA), and Urmila Rawat, Deputy Secretary of Defence Industries Production at the Indian Ministry of Defence.


MARCH 7, 2024
West Virginia University (WVU) students, faculty, and community members can learn about how they can partner with NSIN to bring their talents and innovations to the defense industrial base. NSIN Regional Engagement Principal for West Virginia Andy Tennant will lead the discussion and answer questions. 

MARCH 8-10, 2024
The SXSW 2024 conference held in Austin, Texas, will bring together leaders from DIU, NSIN, NSIC, and the Defense Innovation OnRamp Hubs to discuss defense priorities and trending technologies that can solve national and global security challenges. With key events, talks, panels with subject matter experts, and the launch of a new joint innovation space at the Capital Factory, this weekend is aimed at helping to cultivate and propel the innovation ecosystem.

MAY 1, 2024
NSIN, in partnership with the Washington Air National Guard (WA ANG) 194 Communications Squadron, seeks innovative solutions to establish two-way communication during the eruption of Mt. Rainier and other natural disasters. The challenge launch accompanies the launch of the Defense Innovation OnRamp Hub: Washington, a new “open door” to the Department of Defense (DoD), where entrepreneurs can learn how to enter the Defense Innovation Base and solve DoD challenges.


During a pitch event at SXSW, NSIN alum Skyline Nav AI, Inc. will showcase its technology that targets reducing the reliance on the Global Positioning System (GPS) and opens opportunities for space navigations with advanced skyline-based navigation. 


The DoD has allocated $161 million to support the purchase of major equipment to enhance research capabilities and innovation for 120 institutions under the Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP). The awards will enable universities to perform state-of-the-art research to boost U.S. technology and accelerate research in quantum networks, bioelectronics, hypersonics, autonomy, and more.


MARCH 18-20, 2024  
Join leaders from industry and the government as they share the latest developments on undersea warfare at the National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA) 2024 Undersea Warfare Spring Conference in San Diego, California. Attendees will gain insights on topics including countering submarines and mine threats and power projection from the sea.

MAY 7-8, 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) experts and enthusiasts will learn about the latest emerging AI technologies at the Special Competitive Studies Project AI Expo for National Competitiveness in Washington, D.C.  


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to identify more funding across the defense innovation space. 

MARCH 11, 2024

Innovators with solutions to improve energy and water efficiency across DoD infrastructure and reduce ongoing maintenance may submit their solutions to DIU for the potential to receive a prototype Other Transaction (OT) award. 

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NSIN is a program office in the U.S. Department of Defense, nested within the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). We are set up to collaborate with a wide variety of innovators to include universities, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and start-ups. We create opportunities for collaboration across communities and connect those that might not traditionally work in national security. Together, we help drive national security innovation and develop technologies that directly support the individuals responsible for protecting our country.  
National Security Innovation Network | 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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