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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, Oct. 30, 2023
Reading time: 3.5 minutes


The Silicon Valley Defense Group (SVDG) sent a letter, cosigned by over 60 leading technology companies and investors, asking congressional leaders to maintain support for DIU in the FY24 Defense Appropriations Act. The letter specifically applauds provisions in the House-passed FY24 NDAA to elevate DIU’s reporting structure, codify its authorities and responsibilities, and authorize the establishment of a hedge portfolio, called the Non-Traditional Innovation Fielding Enterprise (NIFE).   


OCT. 30, 2023 
Innovators with artificial intelligence (AI)-based large language models that could automate processes such as instructional systems design and requirements development for the Navy’s Ready Relevant Learning (RRL) initiative may register to compete for part of a $160,000 prize purse during the NSIN-supported Ready Relevant Learning Prize Challenge. Registration is required by Oct. 30, 2023. Submissions are due Nov. 13, 2023.  

NOV. 3, 2023 
Ventures interested in bringing university intellectual property (IP) to the federal and commercial markets are invited to apply to join the NSIN Emerge accelerator. Participating ventures will have access to training and mentorship and will receive $20,000 each in non-dilutive funding.    


NOV. 10, 2023 
Innovators with solutions to bolster Indian and American binational security may submit their technologies for the opportunity to receive part of $300,000 available in the new DIU and India-U.S. Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) challenges. Submit technologies that enable underwater communication or maritime intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) by Nov. 10.   

Propose Defenes Innovator's Toolkit Curriculum

NOV. 17, 2023 
Educational design and curriculum development professionals are invited to submit curriculum proposals that address critical skill gaps in the federal workforce while encouraging students to pursue careers in government. Through this new Defense Innovator’s Toolkit course, students will develop a greater understanding of civilian employee roles within the Department of Defense (DoD), gain valuable experience utilizing innovation tools, and explore professional opportunities in the federal space.

NOV. 29, 2023 
Undergraduate and graduate students may win part of a $90,000 prize pool in the NSIN and xTech Good Vibrations Challenge with innovative algorithms that could help the Army determine whether vehicles pose a threat using terrestrial ground sensors.    


NOV. 8, 2023 
Attend the NSIN-sponsored ffVC and GENIUS NY Drones and Robotics AI Summit to hear from leaders who are pushing the field of mechatronics forward and leveraging drones and robotics to improve everything from supply chain management to defense.   

NOV. 15, 2023 
Ventures from the 2023 NSIN Foundry and Forge cohorts will pitch dual-use, defense and commercial solutions they created from federal technologies at an upcoming showcase day. The cohort will also compete for cash prizes as they share the spinout ventures they created in front of an audience of investors, government stakeholders, industry experts, and entrepreneurs.    


NSIN alum SentiAR improves outcomes during cardiac ablation therapy by allowing physicians to view their patient’s anatomy through augmented reality (AR) visualization technology. Their second clearance allows SentiAR to continue expanding their clinical and industry partnerships.  


DEC. 7, 2023 
Innovators with ideas for a Large Language Model Maturity Model (LLM MM) that could be used to assess the applicability of LLM solutions for various use cases and workflows may submit their solutions to the Department of Defense’s Chief Digital and AI Office (CDAO) for the opportunity to participate in the Advantage DoD 2024: Defense Data & AI Symposium. Submissions are due Dec. 7.    


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to identify more funding across the defense innovation space.

NOV. 5, 2023

Innovators with climate projection modeling and data tools that could enable the DoD to consider future environmental factors when conducting risk analysis and long-term planning may submit their solutions to Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) for the potential to be selected for a contract award. 

NOV. 10, 2023

Students from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) may submit their solutions for autonomy, chemical and biological sciences, and health to xTech for the opportunity to receive part of a $100,000 prize purse and participate in a startup accelerator program.  

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NSIN is a program office in the U.S. Department of Defense, nested within the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). We are set up to collaborate with a wide variety of innovators to include universities, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and start-ups. We create opportunities for collaboration across communities and connect those that might not traditionally work in national security. Together, we help drive national security innovation and develop technologies that directly support the individuals responsible for protecting our country.  
National Security Innovation Network | 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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