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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, Aug. 28, 2023
Reading time: 2.5 minutes

The next NSIN newsletter will be on Tuesday, Sept. 5, 2023.


Three alums of the 2022 X-Force Fellowship have brought their talents back to the DoD, taking up roles with Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crane Division (NSWC Crane) and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL). The former fellows are creating solutions for the warfighter full-time, conducting research on topics like aerodynamics and quantum materials.


Ventures, entrepreneurs, and investors learned how to partner with the DoD and leverage government funding to accelerate technologies for the warfighter during NSIN’s 2023 Defense Entrepreneurial Symposium. Watch the recording to discover how NSIN programs can support your work.
Omar Bradley Fellows Create Solutions for National Security
Fellows with the Omar Bradley program – which sees senior Army captains complete graduate-level public policy education and assignments with senior DoD staffs – devised solutions to help future command posts operate more securely in a distributed manner during an NSIN Bootcamp session at the Joint Innovation Lab and NSIN Headquarters earlier this month. The fellows will spend their upcoming fall semester refining the solutions they generated in Bootcamp, eventually using the solutions to create policy proposals for their commands.


AUG. 30, 2023 
Companies with extended range sensing innovations will pitch their capabilities to enhance environmental awareness and joint force maneuverability for the 1st Multi-Domain Task Force (1MDTF). $75,000 in awards will go to the top performing company or companies.

SEPT. 13, 2023 
Learn about government technology needs and opportunities to work with DIU and NSIN during the Florida Regional Roadshow at the Central Florida Tech Grove in Orlando. Representatives from DIU and NSIN will be available to answer questions and help open doors for ventures to work with the DoD.


NSIN alumni companies took 10 of the 50 semifinalist slots at the Army’s xTech Prime prize competition. The semifinalists each received $5,000 and an opportunity to compete for additional prize money in the next round. The NSIN alumni and other semifinalists developed the most promising advancements for the Army in artificial intelligence and machine learning, autonomy, climate and clean technologies, immersive technology and wearables, and sensors.


AUG. 29, 2023

Help inform how the newly established India-U.S. Defense Acceleration Ecosystem (INDUS-X) will move forward and create innovation hubs to foster collaboration between U.S. and Indian academic institutions, industry, and government.

SEPT. 26, 2023

Take part in conversations about maximizing professional opportunities and working to deliver a decisive competitive advantage to the warfighter at the 2023 Women In Defense National Conference.


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to identify more funding across the defense innovation space.

SEPT. 7, 2023

Innovators with the ability to prototype and demonstrate on-orbit systems that could rapidly launch, match an object’s orbital plane, conduct rendezvous and proximity operations (RPO), and quickly inspect and characterize a simulated threat may submit their solutions for the opportunity to receive a contract agreement from Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). Submissions are due Sept. 7.

SEPT. 9, 2023

Innovators with artificial intelligence (AI) tools that could be used to automatically detect and remediate software vulnerabilities submit their solutions to Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) for the opportunity to receive part of a $18.5 million prize purse. Submissions are due Sept. 9.

OCT. 5, 2023

Innovators from industry and academia may submit digital tools that would enable informed, coordinated military movement planning and execution may submit their solutions to NATO for the chance to win part of an $8,500 prize purse. Submissions are due Oct. 5.

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NSIN is a program office in the U.S. Department of Defense, nested within the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU). We are set up to collaborate with a wide variety of innovators to include universities, researchers, students, entrepreneurs and start-ups. We create opportunities for collaboration across communities and connect those that might not traditionally work in national security. Together, we help drive national security innovation and develop technologies that directly support the individuals responsible for protecting our country.  
National Security Innovation Network | 2121 Crystal Drive, Suite 500, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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