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National Security Innovation Network
Monday, Dec. 19, 2022
Reading time: 4.5 minutes

The next NSIN newsletter will be on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. 

NSIN is Strengthening the DoD's Problem-Solving Capacity

Throughout 2022, NSIN continued leveraging new skill sets and perspectives to strengthen the U.S. Department of Defense’s (DoD) problem-solving capacity. Our nationwide network of mission partners, start-ups, academia, large and small businesses, and nonprofits are driving innovations that will make the world better, safer and stronger.   

NSIN innovation news and highlights from 2022: 
February 2022 
Startups Demonstrate Small Business Diversity in Geospatial Intelligence 
Startups with geospatial-intelligence technology discussed opportunities for federal agencies to expand diversity, equity, and inclusion (DE&I) initiatives in the geospatial field at the NSIN Presents: Starts NGA Small Business DE&I Showcase.

March 2022 
Neupro Inc. wins $25,000 for Mobile Blood Test Kit at NSIN Vector 
California-based Neupro Inc. won $25,000 at the NSIN Vector Showcase Day competition to continue developing its dual-use “lab-on-patch” blood test with the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and the commercial industry. The Neupro blood test saves lives and improves outcomes for warfighters and patients by drawing and analyzing blood in a real-time battlefield or emergency conditions to diagnose issues such as traumatic brain injuries and heart attacks. 

April 2022 
Companies Showcase Defense Tech Created from University IP 
Cutting-edge companies from top research universities demonstrated commercialized intellectual property for dual-use, civilian and military markets at the final showcase day of the NSIN Emerge Accelerator.   

May 2022 
NSIN Adaptive Threat Force: Modern Training for Modern National Security 
Warfighters from the Mississippi Army National Guard prepared for the dynamic, modern threats of multi-domain warfare with the DoD’s red team in NSIN’s Adaptive Threat Force (ATF) program. ATF-trained warfighters innovate solutions against realistic, adaptive, adaptive, and cohesive adversaries that reflect the modern capabilities of near-peer threats.

June 2022 
OUSD(R&E), Industry, and Academia Launch Trusted Autonomy Initiative  
NSIN collaborated with Dr. Jaret Riddick and the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)) to launch the Summit on Trusted Autonomy Research and Technology (START) at Purdue University. The event encouraged industry and academia to invest in trusted autonomy for defense purposes as part of the critical outcomes sought from the DoD’s new Operational Trust in Mission Autonomy (OPTIMA) Initiative.  

July 2022
NSIN Emerge Showcase Day Featured Dual-use Companies from Universities  
Cutting-edge companies from top research universities commercialized for civilian and military markets intellectual property and showcased the solutions at the final showcase day of the NSIN Emerge program. The ventures worked on various technologies with essential government applications, including energy and environmental tech, cybersecurity and analytics, digital optimization, health-tech, and communication and sensing in austere environments.

August 2022 
Students Complete NSIN X-Force Fellowship, Deliver Solutions for National Security    
The 2022 NSIN X-Force Fellowship concluded with 139 Fellows presenting final solutions to military commands. Over the summer, students in the 2022 X-Force cohort provided top tech talent to the DoD as they worked with the military and gained professional experience in the defense innovation sector.
September 2022 
Startups Demonstrate Defense Innovation at Historic Brooklyn Navy Yard 
Early-stage ventures presented emerging technologies for defense and commercial markets during the September NSIN Propel 2022 Demo Day. The companies showcased next-generation applications of dual-use tech to potential government, defense, and venture capital partners.

October 2022 
TNSF Fellow Receives Retired Blood Chit 
Hamna Khan, an alumna of the NSIN Technology National Security Fellowship (TNSF), received a retired Blood Chit from the Joint Personnel Recovery Agency (JPRA) for her contributions to a second-generation emergency search and rescue beacon that has the potential to fully innovate how civil search and rescue is conducted in the future.
November 2022 
AI Leader to Head National Security Innovation Network 
On Nov. 9, Cheryl Ingstad was sworn in by Heidi Shyu, Department of Defense Under Secretary for Research and Engineering (USDR&E), as the Managing Director of NSIN. Ingstad brings extensive experience in both government and industry to NSIN. She most recently served as the inaugural director of the Department of Energy (DOE)’s Artificial Intelligence and Technology Office, where she was responsible for coordinating the department’s development and application of artificial intelligence.

December 2022 
UCF Team Wins AFRL Grand Challenge  
A team from the University of Central Florida (UCF) College of Optics and Photonics won the NSIN-sponsored Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Quantum-Inspired Efficient Information Extraction for Electro-optic Systems Grand Challenge. The team, led by Professor Stephen Eikenberry, pitched a novel approach to use photonic lanterns to identify space objects beyond the Rayleigh limit.  

NSIN X-Force Fellowship


NSIN is hosting three web-based Ask Me Anything (AMA) sessions about the upcoming 2023 NSIN X-Force program. Undergraduate and graduate students interested in this unique summer fellowship opportunity are invited to attend one of these events for more information. Register for your preferred AMA session by clicking on the Zoom registration link below. 


JAN. 6, 2023

Early-stage ventures will learn how to do business with the DoD by working alongside NSIN, the U.S. Pacific Fleet, and Decisive Point in the NSIN Propel Hawaii accelerator. At the end of the cohort, participating companies will deliver cutting-edge capabilities that enable the U.S. Navy and its partners to operate as a ready, capable, and combat-credible force in the Pacific region. Applications are now open and close on Jan. 6, 2023. 

NSIN presents: SynGen Challenge
NSIN, in partnership with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Defense Innovation Unit (DIU) seeks solutions for the generation of synthetic training data for computer vision (CV) algorithms. Open to all eligible innovators. Learn more about this opportunity at an Ask Me Anything (AMA) session on Jan. 26, 2023. Registration is required. 

WashU Students showcase national security solutions


Computer science students in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis showcased their ability to solve national security and defense problems this semester through the NSIN Capstone course as they gained insight and real-world experience in innovation.


Follow the NSIN Defense Innovation Funding Opportunities Series on LinkedIn to identify more funding across the defense innovation space.  
Innovators with agents or systems that extinguish fires without the use of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) may be awarded an SBIR grant of up to $250,000 from the U.S. Army. Submissions are due Jan. 3, 2023. 
Innovators with agents or systems that extinguish fires without using hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) may be awarded an SBIR grant of up to $250,000 from the Army. Submissions are due Jan. 3, 2023. 
Innovators with advancements in beyond line of sight targeting and advanced missile detection and tracking may receive awards for their proposals from the Space Development Agency. Submissions are due Jan. 13, 2023. 


JAN. 23, 2023 

Members of the Air National Guard (ANG) may apply to the Academy, Industry, Military, Hybrid Innovations (AIM-HI) program to develop skills in creativity and innovation to solve military challenges in new ways. The AIM-HI program facilitates collaborations between researchers and warfighters to rapidly produce proofs of concept.
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The National Security Innovation Network is a program of the U.S. Department of Defense that collaborates with major universities and the venture community to develop solutions that drive national security innovation. We operate two portfolios of programs and services: Talent and Venture. Together, these portfolios form a pipeline of activities and solutions that accelerate the pace of defense innovation.   
National Security Innovation Network | 2231 Crystal Drive, Suite 201, Arlington, VA 22202 | USA
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